News Articles

Social Hygiene: Screening for Social Media Addiction in Adolescent Patients

Ariana Marini
May 21, 2018

You don’t have to look far to see that today’s adolescents love their phones and the social media accounts that go with them. They’re sharing selfies on Instagram, using Snapchat to show what they’re doing right this minute, communicating with their friends on Facebook, tweeting their daily musings, and much more.

Sharing Starts Early

By age 12, 50% of children have social media accounts. The average teenager uses social media for 71 minutes each day; female teens, who report the highest engagement, average 142 minute per day.

“Social media usage resembles a normalized addictive behavior, proportional to overall screen media […]

2018-07-19T07:13:08+00:00July 13th, 2018|News Articles|0 Comments

How did gonorrhea become a drug-resistant superbug?

Scientists show how the gonorrhea bacterium resists last-resort antibiotic ceftriaxone while maintaining a robust growth rate

The bacterium that causes the sexually transmitted disease gonorrhea is resistant to multiple standard antibiotics and now threatens to develop resistance against ceftriaxone, which is on the World Health Organization List of Essential Medicines and is the last effective antibiotic against the organism. UNC School of Medicine researchers have identified mutations to the bacterium Neisseria gonnorrhoeae that enable resistance to ceftriaxone that could lead to the global spread of ceftriaxone-resistant “superbug” strains.

The findings, published in the journal mBio, provide unique insights into the evolution of […]

2018-06-29T09:04:21+00:00June 29th, 2018|News Articles|0 Comments

CDC: More Teens are Waiting!

For Immediate Release:
June 18, 2018

CDC Trend Data on Teens and Sex Shows the Value of Sexual Risk Avoidance Education

Washington D.C. – The CDC’s new trend data from the 2017 Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) offers encouraging news regarding teens and sex and the value of Sexual Risk Avoidance(SRA)education. “According to the results of this survey, more teens are waiting for sex and defying the often-repeated premise that teens are going to have sex anyway. Sexual Risk Avoidance education is a primary prevention approach that seeks to normalize sexual delay among youth and, as survey data indicates, more youth are embracing that […]

2018-06-29T09:13:54+00:00June 21st, 2018|News Articles|0 Comments

Keeping Teens Safe and Busy this Summer

Courtesy of Operation Parent
–By Lora White

It’s a fact of life today that most teens will be on their own during the long days of summer. With parents working and extended families rarely living in the same town, it’s inconvenient if not impossible to have young people supervised when school is out. Fortunately, there are ways to make summer relaxed and productive for parents and teens alike. The keys are communication and planning.

Depending on your kid’s age and transportation needs, consider the following:

  • Money-making opportunities. Kids of all ages can find odd jobs doing yard work, pet and/or vacation house sitting, […]
2018-06-15T09:18:25+00:00June 15th, 2018|News Articles|0 Comments

20 Ways To Avoid Peer Pressure

Courtesy of Your Life Counts

  1. Ask 101 questions.
    For example, if a pal pressures you to smoke, ask her why she smokes, how long she has smoked, if she minds having ashtray breath.
  2. Say “No” like you mean it.
    Make eye contact, then say “No” forcefully, with authority. The more certain you are in your refusal, the less people will bug you.
  3. Back-up a no with a positive statement.
    For example, if you’re turning down an offer to smoke weed, say something like, “I like my brain the way it is, thanks.”
  4. Be repetitive.
    Don’t hesitate to state your position over and over […]
2018-06-08T23:44:34+00:00June 8th, 2018|News Articles|0 Comments

Peer Pressure Statistics That’ll Rouse You to Deal With the Issue

Courtesy of APT Parenting

Peer pressure can be very trying for both, teens and their parents. It is difficult to deal with situations whereby you are forced to try something that you might not necessarily want to, fueled solely by the pressure of ‘fitting in’. This seems like a compulsion, because if you do not do what your peers demand of you, the fear of being alone is paramount. This is one of the main reasons for why people give in to peer pressure. If one observes the statistics of peer pressure, one will be convinced of this […]

2018-06-08T23:41:57+00:00June 7th, 2018|News Articles|0 Comments

Five Ways We Can Help At-Risk Youth Graduate from High School

By: John Gomperts, President & CEO of America’s Promise Alliance
Article Courtesy of America’s Promise Alliance

Add relationship poverty to the list of challenges facing young people who leave high school before graduating.

It’s not a lack of love or family, but a lack of access and connection to people who can help lead them to a more promising future. That’s what’s missing for millions of our nation’s young people.

Our new report, Don’t Quit On Me: What Young People Who Have Left School Say About the Power of Relationships, illuminates the role supportive relationships […]

2018-05-31T01:00:29+00:00May 31st, 2018|News Articles|0 Comments

Helping Students Manage Acadmic Pressure

Have you ever heard of your allostatic load? While this term may be unfamiliar to you, it is a critical factor to consider for managing stress. In this short interview, Victor Carrion, Ph.D., a childhood development and behavioral sciences expert, explains that it is not necessarily individual cases of stress that cause us harm, but rather the accumulation of various stressful experiences that are detrimental to our health and quality of life. Further, Carrion goes on to discuss how no matter what type of stress you are experiencing—whether cramming for an exam or about to get hit by a bus—the […]

2018-05-17T08:06:00+00:00May 17th, 2018|News Articles|0 Comments

When a Teen Hangs With the Wrong Crowd

Understand the magnetic pull of unhealthy relationships to help kids make better choices.

By Raychelle Cassada Lohmann, Contributor
Courtesy of US News

Friends play an important role in a teen’s life.

While not being socially connected can leave a teen more prone to isolation and depression, having good friends can boost self-esteem and improve communication skills; and some of those friendships can last a lifetime. On the flip side, having bad friends can lead to risky decision-making, bad behaviors and poor academic performance. So, basically, having no friends sucks and having bad friends can screw things up, but having good friends […]

2018-04-23T10:31:52+00:00April 23rd, 2018|News Articles|0 Comments

‘The Sequence’ Is the Secret to Success

Go to school, work, marry, have children. Why do we fail to convey this message to poor young people?

By Wendy Wang, Wall Street Journal
March 27, 2018

‘You should wait until you are older to date.” Growing up in a working-class family in China, I learned this at an early age. Like many Asian parents, my mother stressed the importance of working hard and getting a good education before beginning a family.

Having a child outside marriage never crossed my mind. In the small city where I grew up, it isn’t done. Even today, less than 4% of births in China are […]

2018-04-04T13:44:46+00:00April 4th, 2018|News Articles|0 Comments